The Goodness of the Garden . . . All the Year Round

June 13, 2024

Waiting pays off

“Everything I launch into the world doesn’t produce immediate payoff. Some things take time.”

That’s so true for everything in the gardening life, and in life in general. I wrote that in February in regard to my new bird feeder. I wasn’t sure if the birds would ever come. For a while, they didn’t. I checked the food I bought and decided I should trade it out for another that is specifically for smaller birds.

Now I have chickadee and purple finch visitors every day!

The changes in the garden have been happening more quickly, partially because of the abundant spring rains. Back in early May, I planted a few more herbs and flowers in the open spots in my Monarch butterfly garden. It looked like there was plenty of space at that time. However, one of the advantages of a perennial garden is that the flowers multiple and return every year. These are growing so well that there’s no room for weeds. Although I have a path through the garden, the flowers are trying to take it over, too.

I’m glad some of these things that I started earlier in the year are taking care of themselves because this month my garden time has diminished. In the first week of June, I started a new job and I received my novel manuscript from my editor to work on for final corrections. At busy times like this, I’m thankful that the birds pull my eyes away from the computer. The flower garden gives me a source for cutting beauties to arrange in a vase on my desk. And when I can’t stay indoors any longer, I still have plenty mulch to spread.

What’s paying off for you this spring?

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